André's Review: Sony BRAVIA Theatre U - Innovative Audio for Multitasking Parents

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BRAVIA Theatre U



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What André thinks

Has it also happened to you that you are listening to your music and you can't hear your child? Especially when you have headphones on. Hello everyone! I'm André, dad of a two-year-old boy. Today I'm going to tell you about my experience with the Sony Bravia Theatre U for expeeerly. The device is a new type of headphones. You put them over your shoulders and your ears remain free. For you, the sound is loud and clear, but for the people next to you, it is very quiet. The operation is very intuitive. It has an "on" and "off" button, quieter, pause, louder, and a "mute" for calls. The headphones sit on my shoulders, which makes them perfect when I watch long movies without pain on my ears, when I ride my bike and watch out for traffic, and when I look after my child. Now I no longer miss the calls of my child.

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