Caroline Reviews Beurer EM 89 Heat: Parental Back Pain Relief Solution

Review summary EM 89 Heat

Caroline reviewed the Beurer EM 89 Heat in her video, highlighting its benefits for parents experiencing back pain. With TENS, EMS, and heat, the device allows for customizable pain relief and muscle training. It is ideal for those needing quick recovery and relief after a long day.

Product details

Brand name


Product name

EM 89 Heat



Vendor product number




What Caroline thinks

As nice as it is to carry my child, after a long day I get shoulder and back pain. Hi, I'm Caroline, mommy from Zurich and a tester for expeerly. Today I'm testing the TENS EMS device with heat function from Beurer. You have to attach the electrodes yourself, select a program, and set the strength of the impulses. The possibility of parallel or individual use of TENS and EMS makes it pain-relieving and muscle-training. I recommend it to all parents who want to do something good for their back so that they are fit again the next day.

Frequently asked questions

How do you use the Beurer EM 89 Heat?

You need to attach the electrodes, select a program, and set the strength of the impulses.

Can TENS and EMS be used together on the Beurer EM 89 Heat?

Yes, the device allows for parallel or individual use of TENS and EMS.

Is the Beurer EM 89 Heat good for back pain?

Yes, the tester recommends it for relieving back pain, especially for parents.

Who is the Beurer EM 89 Heat suitable for?

It is suitable for anyone needing pain relief or muscle training, especially parents or people with physical demands.

What kind of pain does the Beurer EM 89 Heat relieve?

It provides pain relief for back and shoulder discomfort, among other areas.

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