Bamix Processor Review: Nico’s Insight on Cooking Freedom and Versatility

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Bamix Baking



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What Nico thinks

Wow, I would never have thought that I would have so much more freedom when shopping and cooking thanks to something so simple. Salut, I'm Nico, I love cooking and filming and testing the Bamix Processor for expeerly. Steak or mince, semolina or flour. And I bought sugar, but I don't have any powdered sugar... I often actually need both or I would prefer everything, but in addition to the best-before date, space is also a problem with this idea. I think it's super cool that it is operated with the Bamix hand blender. So I have two appliances, but only one motor. Thanks to the processor attachment for my Bamix, I can simply buy things in their coarsest form, and make them finer for cooking if necessary.

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