Anfissa's Spätzli Blitz Maxi Review: Effortless homemade spaetzli with Betti Bossy's innovative gadget

Product details

Brand name

Betti Bossy

Product name

Spätzli Blitz Maxi



Vendor product number




What Anfissa thinks

Hello everyone! I'm in the beginning, I'm 22 and I love Betty Bossi. As a child, I always got all my recipes at Betty Bossi while cooking or baking. And because I can't do this so well myself, but prefer to have homemade spaetzli, at some point I also bought Betty Bossi's spaetzli flash. With this device, the preparation of the dough works and turning out in one. The basic recipe can be seen directly on the spaetzli flash and you can simply follow the steps. And it's so simple. You fill in the ingredients that mix with the mix stick through up and down movements and then turn out with the crank over the pot. And the whole thing clean, simple and without big mess. So I can really recommend the spaetzli flash to anyone who likes to eat homemade spaetzli.

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