Bauknecht Maxi Space Testimonial: Philipp Reviews Spacious and Efficient Dishwasher

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MaxiSpace Geschirrspüler BK8I HF58 TUC CH



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What Philipp thinks

Do you know this? The dishes pile up just like that in the office? Hello everyone, I'm Philipp and today I'm testing for expeerly the Bauknecht Maxi Space. Maxi really lives up to its name. Even large plates go in wonderfully and get nice and clean. What's also cool is the middle drawer, which you can easily adjust in height. Extra power nozzles make the dishes also extra clean. There is plenty of space for cutlery both at the top and at the bottom and flexibly. Various programs and of course also "save electricity" and thus also save costs always good for the office. So I can of course relax and drink coffee.

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